When we wanna create or load an ontology we use this line of code IRI ontologyIRI = IRI.create("http://owl.man.ac.uk/2005/07/sssw/ontologyName");
So, what should I use to get it as an output?
I tried with this function IRI documentIRI = manager.getOntologyDocumentIRI(ontology);
but it retunrs the location of the ontology file, something like this file:/Users/.../Desktop/ontologyname.owl
Instead of it, I need the one written like this :
Please, If you have any ideas... Thank you
OWLOntology o = ...
IRI iri = o.getOWLOntologyID().getOntologyIRI().get();
This returns the IRI that the ontology is identified with; note - this might not be the same IRI that you loaded the ontology from. The resolvable IRI in your example might point at an ontology declaring a different IRI for itself (it is, in that sense, a document IRI).