is there any way to get swipe gesture same as windows phone 8 with wptoolkit. Because wptoolkit nuget package is not available for uwp, so i am unable to get similar swipe gesture on UWP In windows Phone 8 with the help of WPtoolkit nugetget package i placed this
<toolkit:GestureListener Flick="OnSwipe"/>
over text block, so i can swipe left to right or right to left over textbox1
and swipe gesture help me to implement this
private static int i;
private void OnSwipe(object sender, FlickGestureEventArgs e)
if (e.HorizontalVelocity < 0)
txtBox1.Text = i.ToString();
if (e.HorizontalVelocity > 0)
txtBox1.Text = i.ToString();
i tried Manupulation method with scrollViewer on uwp but it continuously increase the value untill it scroll viewer stopped
and this is codes
private static int i;
private Point initialpoint;
private void scrollview_ManipulationStarted(object sender, ManipulationStartedRoutedEventArgs e)
initialpoint = e.Position;
private void scrollview_ManipulationDelta(object sender, ManipulationDeltaRoutedEventArgs e)
if (e.IsInertial)
Point currentpoint = e.Position;
if (currentpoint.X - initialpoint.X >= 2)
txtBox1.Text = i.ToString();
if (currentpoint.Y - initialpoint.Y >= 2)
txtBox1.Text = i.ToString();
Any other way to implement same functionality.
Actually you don't need to handle ManipulationStarted
in this case and you don't need the initialPoint
property. Assuming you have already defined your ScrollViewer
's ManipulationMode
to the following
Then you simply use e.Cumulative.Translation.X
to tell how long you have swiped in total
private void scrollview_ManipulationCompleted(object sender, ManipulationCompletedRoutedEventArgs e)
if (e.IsInertial)
var swipedDistance = e.Cumulative.Translation.X;
if (Math.Abs(swipedDistance) <= 2) return;
if (swipedDistance > 0)
txtBox1.Text = i.ToString();
Now that I understand your question better, I think you should handle gesture manipulation on the TextBox
itself. If you want instant feedback, simply subscribe to the ManipulationDelta
event and create a flag to only run the swipe logic once per touch.
private bool _isSwiped;
private void txtBox1_ManipulationDelta(object sender, ManipulationDeltaRoutedEventArgs e)
if (e.IsInertial && !_isSwiped)
var swipedDistance = e.Cumulative.Translation.X;
if (Math.Abs(swipedDistance) <= 2) return;
if (swipedDistance > 0)
txtBox1.Text = i.ToString();
_isSwiped = true;
private void txtBox1_ManipulationCompleted(object sender, ManipulationCompletedRoutedEventArgs e)
_isSwiped = false;
Make sure you move all the handlers and set the ManipulationMode
onto the TextBox
<TextBox x:Name="txtBox1"
ManipulationCompleted="txtBox1_ManipulationCompleted" />