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How to search and replace in epub file opened with

Adding a simple line to my .vimrc I managed to open an ePub archive with zip.vim on a vim buffer. This basically opens a numbered list of htm, css, jpg, xml files that one can access individually. I want to perform a search and replace through all these numbered files as it is too painful to edit each of them and do it - there's around 400 files. :args and :argdo did not really work or at least I could not make them. Any ideas?


  • I'm not sure it will work for you, and I'm going to assume that when you hit Enter on a filepath inside your Vim buffer, a new viewport is opened (by the ZipBrowseSelect() function defined in $VIMRUNTIME/autoload/zip.vim) to display the contents of the file.

    If this is the case, you could try the following method.


    This command deletes all the paths in the current arglist. Then, you would have to visually select all the lines containing a path to a file you want to modify. From normal mode, you could hit vip, for example, and adjust the visual selection to exclude some lines if needed.

    :'<,'>g/^/exe "norm \r" | argadd % | close

    This command should hit Enter on each line inside your visual selection, add the file which has been opened in a new viewport, and close the latter to get back to the original window.

    :vim /pattern/ ##

    This command should populate the quickfix list with all the lines containing the pattern you're looking for.

    :cfdo %s/pattern/replacement/ge | update

    This command should replace pattern with replacement in each file present in the quickfix list, and save the file if it has been changed.

    The last step uses the :cfdo command which was introduced in Vim version 7.4.858. If your Vim version is not new enough to support :cfdo, you could bypass the last 2 steps, and directly execute:

    :argdo %s/pattern/replacement/ge | update

    The benefit of:

    :vim /pattern/ ##
    :cfdo %s/pattern/replacement/ge | update

    ... is to prune the arglist from the files which don't contain your pattern, so that the substitutions commands are only executed when needed.

    If you don't have :cfdo but still want to prune the arglist, you could source this custom command:

    com! -nargs=0 -bar Qargs exe 'args '.s:qfl_names()
    fu! s:qfl_names() abort
        let buffer_numbers = {}
        for qf_item in getqflist()
            let buffer_numbers[qf_item['bufnr']] = bufname(qf_item['bufnr'])
        return join(map(values(buffer_numbers), 'fnameescape(v:val)'))

    I've copied it from this video: Project-wide find and replace. Most of the other commands are also taken from this video, so it might help you to have a look at it, if you don't have already.

    Then, you would replace the :cfdo command, with:

    :argdo %s/pattern/replacement/ge | update

    To summarize, you could try one of these 3 methods:

    visually select the paths of the files
    :'<,'>g/^/exe "norm \r" | argadd % | close
    :argdo %s/pattern/replacement/ge | update


    visually select the paths of the files
    :'<,'>g/^/exe "norm \r" | argadd % | close
    :vim /pattern/ ##
    :cfdo %s/pattern/replacement/ge | update


    visually select the paths of the files
    :'<,'>g/^/exe "norm \r" | argadd % | close
    :vim /pattern/ ##
    :argdo %s/pattern/replacement/ge | update


    You could also try to visually select the paths of the files, then execute:

    :'<,'>g/^/e `='zipfile:'.expand('%:p').'::'.getline(".")` | %s/pattern/replacement/ge | update | b#

    This method relies on the fact that the path to a file in the archive seems to follow this scheme:


    So, you can get the path to a file under the cursor with the Vim expression:


    And you can edit this file using backticks (see :h `=):

    :e `=Vim expression`
    :e `='zipfile:'.expand('%:p').'::'.getline(".")`

    From there, you need the global command, to repeat the edition on each line inside the visual selection.

    In the epub I tested, all the paths were below the line mimetype. If this is the case for you, then you could merge the 2 steps (visual selection + global command) in a single command:

    1/mimetype/+,$g/^/e `='zipfile:'.expand('%:p').'::'.getline(".")` | %s/pattern/replacement/ge | update | b#