I would like to extend ctypes Structure, BigEndianStructure, LittleEndianStructure.
The ability to specify each field to have a description, and overload how the variable is returned to possibly enum, polyco, etc attributes.
Something like the following is what I would like to do, but am not sure how to make the ModifedCTypesStructure parent class.
My goal is to use this for commanding / telemetry of binary data.
class Color(Enum):
RED = 1
BLUE = 3
class Packet(ModifedCTypesStructure):
__fields__ = [("fieldA",ctypes.c_int32,
{"brief":"""Description of fieldA""",
{"repr":lambda x: hex(x)}
a = Packet()
> Description of fieldA
a.fieldA = Color.RED
print a._fieldA # Return the binary field
> 1
a.fieldB = 0xbb
print a.fieldB
> 0xbb #Note repr is called to return '0xbb'
print a._fieldB
> 187
It is possible -
most of the magic provided by ctypes.Structure
is due to its fields being "descriptors" - i.e. objects that follow Python's descriptor protocol - analog to what we get when we use the @property
decorator in a class body.
has a metaclass that is responsible to convert each field listed in the special cased variable name _fields_
into a _ctypes.CField
object (you can check that by verifying the result of type(mystryct.field)
in an interactive Python prompt.
Therefore, in order to extend the behavior for the fields themselves, we'd need to extend this CField
class - and modify the metaclass that creates your Strutcture to use our fields. The CField class seems to be a normal Python class itself - so it is easy to modify, if we respect the call to the super-methods.
however there are some catches in your "wishlist":
using "help" requires the Python object to have the help string embedded in its class __doc__
attribute (not the instance). So we can do that each time the field itself is retrieved from the structure class, we ceae dynamically a new class with the required help.
When retrieving a value from an object, Python can't "know" in advance if the value will be used just for being "viewed" by repr
or will actually be used. Therefore we either customize the value that is returned by a.fieldB
for one that have a custom representation or we don't do it at all. The code bellow does create a dynamic class on field retrieval that will have a custom representation, and try to preserve all other numeric properties of the underlying value. But that is set to be both slow and may present some incompatibilities - you may choose to turn that off when not debugging values, or simply get the raw value.
Ctype's "Fields" will of course have some internal structure of their own, like the offset for each memory position and so on - thus, I'd suggest the following approach:(1) create a new "Field" class that does not inherit from ctypes.Field at all - and that implement the enhancements you want; (2) Upon ModifiedStructure creation create all the "_" prefixed names, and pass these for the original Ctypes.Structure metaclass to create its fields as it always does; (3) make our "Field" class read and write to the original ctypes.Fields, and have their custom transforms and representations.
As you can see, I also took care of actually transforming Enum values upon writting.
To try everything, just inherit from "ModifiedStructure" bellow, instead of ctypes.Structure
from ctypes import Structure
import ctypes
class A(Structure):
_fields_ = [("a", ctypes.c_uint8)]
FieldType = type(A.a)
StructureType = type(A)
del A
def repr_wrapper(value, transform):
class ReprWrapper(type(value)):
def __new__(cls, value):
return super().__new__(cls, value)
def __repr__(self):
return transform(self)
return ReprWrapper(value)
def help_wrapper(field):
class Field2(field.__class__):
__doc__ = field.help
def __repr__(self):
return self.__doc__
return Field2(field.name, field.type_, help=field.help, repr=field.repr, enum=field.enum)
class Field:
def __init__(self, name, type_, **kwargs):
self.name = name
self.type_ = type_
self.real_name = "_" + name
self.help = kwargs.pop("brief", f"Proxy structure field {name}")
self.repr = kwargs.pop("repr", None)
self.enum = kwargs.pop("enum", None)
if self.enum:
self.rev_enum = {constant.value:constant for constant in self.enum.__members__.values() }
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
if not instance:
return help_wrapper(self)
value = getattr(instance, self.real_name)
if self.enum:
return self.rev_enum[value]
if self.repr:
return repr_wrapper(value, self.repr)
return value
def __set__(self, instance, value):
if self.enum:
value = getattr(self.enum, value.name).value
setattr(instance, self.real_name, value)
class ModifiedStructureMeta(StructureType):
def __new__(metacls, name, bases, namespace):
_fields = namespace.get("_fields_", "")
classic_fields = []
for field in _fields:
# Create the set of descriptors for the new-style fields:
name = field[0]
namespace[name] = Field(name, field[1], **(field[2] if len(field) > 2 else {}))
classic_fields.append(("_" + name, field[1]))
namespace["_fields_"] = classic_fields
return super().__new__(metacls, name, bases, namespace)
class ModifiedStructure(ctypes.Structure, metaclass=ModifiedStructureMeta):
__slots__ = ()
And testing it on the interactive prompt:
In [165]: class A(ModifiedStructure):
...: _fields_ = [("b", ctypes.c_uint8, {"enum": Color, 'brief': "a color", }), ("c", ctypes.c_uint8, {"repr": hex})]
In [166]: a = A()
In [167]: a.c = 20
In [169]: a.c
Out[169]: 0x14
In [170]: a.c = 256
In [171]: a.c
Out[171]: 0x0
In [172]: a.c = 255
In [173]: a.c
Out[173]: 0xff
In [177]: a.b = Color.RED
In [178]: a._b
Out[178]: 1
In [180]: help(A.b)
(shows full Field class help starting with the given description)
In [181]: A.b
Out[181]: a color