Search code examples

MySQL Query results

Table name : Students. The Table i have:

mysql> SELECT * from Students;
| Rollno    | Name        | Marks |
| 251602122 | Sumit Tyagi |    70 |
| 251602121 | parveen     |    90 |

Following query returns the following result even 8 is not a attribute.

mysql> select 8 from Students;
| 8 |
| 8 |
| 8 |


mysql> SELECT 'some_string' from Students;
| some_string |
| some_string |
| some_string |

I just want to know why this happens.


  • The query returns one line for every record in your table.

    But you don't select data from those record. You just select the number 8 for each line. And this gets returned.