i make a code in C# where i extract some records from an Access database , but i need the while going to the next iteration to depend on the click of a button. i tried with some Thread or Tasks , but it didn't worked because it blocked the UI which i need it to be seen and clickable.
Here's the code:
bool nextClick = false ;
while (readerSelect.Read())
// show the correct panel
if (string.Compare(readerSelect[2].ToString(), "P1") == 0)
// panel with type 1
textBoxP1Text1.Text = readerSelect[3].ToString();
textBoxP1Text2.Text = readerSelect[4].ToString();
pictureBoxP1Image.ImageLocation = readerSelect[6].ToString();
// panel with type 2
textBoxP1Text2.Text = readerSelect[5].ToString();
//this while need to be kind of infinite so the interation can't be processed and
//so when i need to change iteration i click the buttonNext
while (!nextClick) {
MethodInvoker mi = delegate () {
if (nextClick)
// System.Windows.Forms.Application.Run();
goto startWhile;
private void buttonNext_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// click on the next button
nextClick = true;
While Dax Fohl's answer works, it seems like you've got a problem in your design. I think you're violating the Single Responsibility Principle by having too much business logic going on in the Form
I'd recommend factoring out the business logic into its own class. Then rather than running through everything in a loop, you simply have the button click event process the next record and display the result. Here's an example of what I mean:
public partial class Form1 : Form
private readonly DataProcessor dataProcessor = new DataProcessor();
public Form1()
private void button1Next_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.buttonNext.Enabled = false;
private async void ProcessNext()
string s = await this.dataProcessor.ProcessNext();
this.textBoxP1Text1.Text = s;
this.buttonNext.Enabled = true;
public class DataProcessor
private readonly Random r = new Random(); // Or reader or whatever.
public async Task<string> ProcessNext() // Just using `string` as an example.
await Task.Delay(1000);
return this.r.Next().ToString();
I think this will be easier to understand and more maintainable in the future. When a new team member looks at semaphore stuff (or your future self), it'll be hard to understand/remember what the point of all that was. Here, you just have a local function that does one thing and is easy to follow.