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Understanding PostgreSQL & plpgsql defense against code injection

On this very useful page there is this statement...

  RETURNS timestamp LANGUAGE sql AS
    SELECT accessed_at FROM users WHERE username = $1
$func$; an explanation of how to be safe from SQL injection. I am trying to understand why i would be safe this way. What does PostgreSQL do for me, that keeps me safe? Can someone please point me in the right direction?


  • Why is it safe?

    PostgreSQL (and about any other DBMS) will first compile the statement with the $1 in place, and only then will use the actual value provided by the user. So whatever is in the value cannot be interpreted as a part of the statement. In other words, using the parameter separates code from data.

    Why do I need a procedure for this?

    In most cases, you don't. What you really need is a mechanism that separates code from data, i.e. the parameter. In most languages and DB connectivity libraries nowadays there is a parameterized query support present, which allows you to write queries with placeholders (such as ?) and provide data through a separate parameter.