I have a project that has weighted edges between nodes. The edges have been imported as floats and have too many values after the decimal to be presentable.
For example, I may have three edges of weights 3.4785949828, 5.2828181992, and 2.4249882928. If I'm showing the weight between nodes, the graph could begin to look very cluttered if I keep all of those values after the decimal. I would like to be able to automatically change them to integer values of 3, 5, and 2 respectively
Is there any way I can automatically change all those floats to integers in the existing project?
... [edges] have too many values after the decimal to be presentable.
For edge labels, create new column (where 1.234567890
becomes [1.]
) by using a regular expression like \d*\.
Data Laboratory
>Data Table
>Create column with list of regex matching groups
A Hide non-selected
-option is available via:
-tab >Hide non-selected
Edge label-display can be adjusted via:
>Preview Settings
>Edge Labels
>Shorten Label
>Preview Settings
>Edge Labels
>Max Characters