I am trying to write a bash script in a KSH environment that would iterate through a source text file and process it by blocks of lines
So far I have come up with this code, although it seems to go indefinitely since the tail command does not return 0 lines if asked to retrieve lines beyond those in the source text file
while [[ `wc -l /path/to/block.file | awk -F' ' '{print $1}'` -gt $((i * 1000)) ]]
lc=$((i * 1000))
head -$lc /path/to/source.file | tail -1000 > /path/to/block.file
cd /path/to/processing/batch
./process.sh #This will process /path/to/block.file
mv /output/directory/ProcessingResult.csv /output/directory/$DA
i=$((i + 1))
Before launching the above script I perform a manual 'first injection': head -$lc /path/to/source.file | tail -1000 > /path/to/temp.source.file
Any idea on how to get the script to stop after processing the last lines from the source file?
Thanks in advance to you all
If you do not want to create so many temporary files up front before beginning to process each block, you could try the below solution. It can save lot of space when processing huge files.
b=0; e=0; seq=1
while true
b=$((e+1)); e=$((range*seq));
sed -n ${b},${e}p $file > ${file}.temp
[ $(wc -l ${file}.temp | cut -d " " -f 1) -eq 0 ] && break
## process the ${file}.temp as per your need ##
The above code generates only one temporary file at a time. You could pass the range(block size) and the filename as command line args to the script.
example: extractblock.sh 1000 inputfile.txt