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Python Jupyter - Change default font

I want to change the default font (to Gill sans) that displays in Jupyter, but am having problems knowing where I go to edit it.

I have looked in the .ipython folder and I have no Static folder, and I have looked in the .jupyter folder and it is empty.

Does anyone know?


  • You can modify the styles of Jupyter notebook by adding values to the file in;


    If the custom dir isn't in .jupyter just make it and add custom.css in it.

    In your new blank custom.css file you can add something like this to change the font for the code mirror;

    .CodeMirror pre, .CodeMirror-dialog, .CodeMirror-dialog .CodeMirror-search-field, .terminal-app .terminal {
        font-family: YOUR-FAV-FONT;
        font-size: 12pt;

    Here is a example of a pimped out custom.css. It's from my one-dark-notebook repo on github. feel free to clone/fork it and do whatever.