I'm using Playframework and Slick async features, but not sure how to work inline with results from Future returning method in one for comprehension. Right now I'm doing it such way:
def getWordDefinitions(checkedWordsIds: List[CheckedWord]) : Future[List[WordDefinition]] = {
val ids = checkedWordsIds.map(_.wordId)
for {
translations <- translationRepo.findByIds(ids)
translations2 <- Future(sortByHowManyChecks(checkedWordsIds, translations))
wordDefinitionsList <- Future(translations2.map(translation => WordDefinition(translation._2.english, translation._2.translation)))
} yield {
I want to know how to get rid off translations2 <- Future(), besides move it to the function (or wrap function into another which return Future). sortByHowManyChecks function returns Map[Long, TranslationObject] which is in 3rd party library.
In your case you can simply write it this way:
def getWordDefinitions(checkedWordsIds: List[CheckedWord]) : Future[List[WordDefinition]] = {
val ids = checkedWordsIds.map(_.wordId)
for {
translations <- translationRepo.findByIds(ids)
translations2 = sortByHowManyChecks(checkedWordsIds, translations)
} yield translations2.map(translation => WordDefinition(translation._2.english, translation._2.translation))