how would I integrate Facebook into my Mac Application. I could give Objective-C a bit of a go, but it's going to be in an AppleScript-Objective-C project.
I could.. update the user's status a bit better instead of just opening their web browser and pointing them to "" , I could make my own interface that interacts with Facebook.
Any ideas?
You can interact with the Facebook API in many different ways, including submitting status updates as a POST request to the graph api. Their examples aren't at all language-specific. They demonstrate how to interact with it using curl on the command line, for instance.
Docs are here:
EDIT: Laziness IS one of the Three Virtues of the Programmer, but dude.... Clicking a link is too hard? Well, okay:
Here's how you authenticate your applications and get added as an application for a user:
Then here's how to work the Graph api. The section you want is "Publishing" most of the way down the page: