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Unexpected #ifndef, No Matching Function Call (Linked List C++)

Hi i am currently working on a linked list project but am receiving a few errors while doing so that I can't seem to solve. The first error i am getting is an undetermined #ifndef. What im confused about is that I didnt #include a source file in the header.

My second error I am getting is in my main.cpp, where I am getting an error saying " no matching function call to 'List::AddNode(double, double, double,etc)".

I have posted all three of my files in hopes of someone helping me figure out these errors I am receiving, Thank You.

EDIT: Thank you for those who helped me, that has solved my problem but now I am receiving new errors saying
"undefined reference to List::List()',

undefined reference to List::AddNode(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double)',

undefined reference to `List::PrintList()'".


#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "List.h"

using namespace std;

int main()
    List Moe;

    Moe.AddNode(23.00, 7.00, 12.75, 7.65, 1.00,45.00, 0.18, 50.00);

Header File


using namespace std;
class List

    struct node{
        double adults, children,costA,costC,dessert,room,tt,deposit;
        node* next, *link;

    typedef struct node* nodePtr;

    nodePtr head;
    nodePtr curr;
    nodePtr temp;

    void AddNode(double addAdults,double addChildren, double addCostA, double addCostC,double addDessert, double addRoom, double addTT, double addDeposit);
    void PrintList();

CPP File

#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include "List.h"

using namespace std;

    head = NULL;
    curr = NULL;
    temp = NULL;
void List::AddNode(double addAdults,double addChildren, double addCostA, double addCostC,double addDessert, double addRoom, double addTT, double addDeposit)
    nodePtr n = new node;
    n->next = NULL;

    n->adults = addAdults;
    //cout >> "Number of Adults: " >> addAdults;
    n->children = addChildren;
    n->costA = addCostA;
    n->costC = addCostC;
    n->dessert = addDessert;
    n->room = addRoom;
    n->tt = addTT;
    n->deposit = addDeposit;

    if(head != NULL)
        curr = head;
        while(curr -> next != NULL)
            curr = curr->next;
        curr->next = n;
        head = n;
void List::PrintList()
    curr = head;
    while(curr != NULL)
        cout << "Total cost for adult meals:        $" << (curr -> adults) * (curr -> costA) << endl;
            cout << "Total cost for child meals:        $" << ((curr -> children) *(curr -> costA)) * 0.60 << endl;
            cout << "Total cost for dessert:            $" << ((curr -> adults) + (curr -> children)) * (curr -> dessert) << endl;
            cout << "Total food cost:                   $" <<(curr -> adults) * (curr -> costA) +
                                                           (curr -> children) *(curr -> costA) * 0.60 +
                                                           ((curr -> adults) + (curr -> children)) * (curr -> dessert)<< endl;
            cout << "Plus tips and tax:                 $" <<curr -> tt * ((curr -> adults) * (curr -> costA) +
                                                           (curr -> children) *(curr -> costA) * 0.60 +
                                                           ((curr -> adults) + (curr -> children)) * (curr -> dessert)) <<
                                                            " (Does NOT Include Room Fee)" << endl;
            cout << "Plus room fee:                     $" << (curr -> room) << endl;
            cout << "Less Deposit:                      $";
            cin >>curr -> deposit;
            cout << "" << endl;
            cout << "Balance Due:                      $" << /*FOOD COST*/((curr -> adults) * (curr -> costA) +
                                                           (curr -> children) *(curr -> costA) * 0.60 +
                                                           ((curr -> adults) + (curr -> children)) * (curr -> dessert)) +
                                                           /*TIPS & TAX*/ (curr -> tt * ((curr -> adults) * (curr -> costA) +
                                                           (curr -> children) *(curr -> costA) * 0.60 +
                                                           ((curr -> adults) + (curr -> children)) * (curr -> dessert))) +
                                                           /*ROOM FEE */ ((curr -> room)) - /*DEPOSIT*/ (curr -> deposit) << endl;
            cout << "" << endl;

            curr = curr->next;



  • You misunderstood the way header guards are used: you need a conditional compile statement to guard the entire content of the header, not just the #define. Move #endif to the end of the file, and remove or comment out LIST_H_INCLUDED at the end:

    #ifndef LIST_H_INCLUDED
    #define LIST_H_INCLUDED
    using namespace std;
    class List
        struct node{
            double adults, children,costA,costC,dessert,room,tt,deposit;
            node* next, *link;
        typedef struct node* nodePtr;
        nodePtr head;
        nodePtr curr;
        nodePtr temp;
        void AddNode(double addAdults,double addChildren, double addCostA, double addCostC,double addDessert, double addRoom, double addTT, double addDeposit);
        void PrintList();
    #endif /* LIST_H_INCLUDED */