I'm a sucker for compact code and new language features. Therefore, I'm trying to find a way to reuse the value of the condition statement which opened the current scope without saving this beforehand as a variable in the parent scope, where it has no further use.
This would make my code more compact, yet easier to read, which is a pretty subjective feat. There probably are multiple of approaches to this, so all kinds of solutions are welcome (preferrably ES8, this is not for production use/professional environments).
The following function is cpu-intensive
fetchData() // returns [object Object] or false on error
It can also be an input stream whose output will differ upon every function call, or a key-value pair lookup which has to happen thousands of times in a short period but can only happen synchronously/blocking.
I have to type data 3 times and it pollutes the global scope. Also, while debugging with breakpoints, the variable is not found in the smallest possible scope.
let data = fetchData()
if (data)
The data variable still occurs 3 times, pollutes the parent scope and you don't know what it means yet upon declaration. Single equation (=) sign can be interpreted wrongly by the reader OR corrected by someone else by mistake.
let data
if (data = fetchData())
if (fetchData())
The 'let' avoids interpreting it as an == conditional statement:
if (let data = fetchData()) { // data is declared in the child scope
} else {
Result: SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier
if (fetchData()) {
// some kind of symbol, i know this is xor, but it seemed appropriate
if (long.object.key.value().chain.data)
return JSON.parse(^)
if (fetchData()) {
parseData(condition.value) // or .pop() or just 'condition'
I just feel like it's an information overload when looking back at my current approach, even if it has its advantages. I believe this can improve readability in situations where code is really dense or where function/variable names are so obvious they almost form a sentence.
No, there is no such syntax feature. The way to go is either a block scope
const data = fetchData()
if (data)
or an IIFE
(function(data) {
if (data)
which you can of course also make into a reusable function:
function If(predicate, then, other) {
return function(value) {
if (predicate) then(value) else other(value)
If(Boolean, useData, error)(fetchData());