Is there a haskell web framework or method to make end rest api endpoint methods discoverable, instead of having to go back to append the new endpoint function to a main method?
I'm evaluating haskell web frameworks and something I see common in all of them is that there is one place to define your endpoints.
Meaning, each time I create a new endpoint, I will have to make the function and then enter the endpoint in the main function.
I'll give some examples.
type Api = SpockM () () () ()
type ApiAction a = SpockAction () () () a
main :: IO ()
main = do
spockCfg <- defaultSpockCfg () PCNoDatabase ()
runSpock 8080 (spock spockCfg app)
app :: Api
app = do
get "people" $ do
json $ Person { name = "Fry", age = 25 }
For a new endpoint, I will need to modify the app function.
type UserAPI2 = "users" :> Get '[JSON] [User]
:<|> "albert" :> Get '[JSON] User
:<|> "isaac" :> Get '[JSON] User
isaac :: User
isaac = User "Isaac Newton" 372 "" (fromGregorian 1683 3 1)
albert :: User
albert = User "Albert Einstein" 136 "" (fromGregorian 1905 12 1)
users2 :: [User]
users2 = [isaac, albert]
server2 :: Server UserAPI2
server2 = return users2
:<|> return albert
:<|> return isaac
For each new endpoint, I will need to append to the server2 function.
appInit :: SnapletInit App App
appInit = makeSnaplet "myapp" "My example application" Nothing $ do
hs <- nestSnaplet "heist" heist $ heistInit "templates"
fs <- nestSnaplet "foo" foo $ fooInit
bs <- nestSnaplet "" bar $ nameSnaplet "newname" $ barInit foo
addRoutes [ ("hello", writeText "hello world")
, ("fooname", with foo namePage)
, ("barname", with bar namePage)
, ("company", companyHandler)
wrapSite (<|> heistServe)
ref <- liftIO $ newIORef "fooCorp"
return $ App hs fs bs ref
For each new endpoint I want to add, I will need to append to the addRoutes function.
In all these examples and every other framework I look at, if I want to add a new endpoint, I always have to come back to a function in the main file to add the new route.
I was hoping there would be something out there, that I can just write my new endpoint function within a new file and it would be discovered by the web framework, so I don't have to keep adding to an existing function.
In .net Web Api, this would look like this.
One place to define the default routing.
name: "API Default",
routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{id}",
defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }
A new class and file added to the project. The framework would discover this method as an endpoint at runtime and add it. I won't have to go back to a main function to append this endpoint.
public HttpResponseMessage CreateBook(Book book) { ... }
You can get pretty close to what you are expecting with the Yesod framework provided that you are using the scaffolded site it provides. The flow will look like this:
1) Add new route in the routes file
/myRoute MyRouteR GET
2) Define a handler for it in the existing Handler module under the Handler
getMyRouteR :: Handler Html
getMyRouteR = return $(shamletFile "templates/myRoute.shamlet")
And that's the end of the flow.