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How can Devhelp be installed on Windows, with GTK+ stable documentation?

I searched with Google for Windows binaries of Devhelp but I did not find something useful. I use MSYS2 and in the MSYS2 MinGW 32-bit terminal I executed pacman -Q devhelp and pacman -S devhelp, but the package could not be found.


  • Using Google I found this official list of MSYS2 pacman packages. Here I pressed in the browser the key combination Ctrl+F and typed devhelp. I found these resulting file names:

    • mingw-w64-i686-devhelp-3.8.2-2-any.pkg.tar.xz.sig - 2016-10-20
    • mingw-w64-i686-devhelp-3.8.2-2-any.pkg.tar.xz - 2016-10-20

    So I executed: pacman -S mingw-w64-i686-devhelp. Then I was able to execute devhelp from the terminal and to execute the file C:\msys64\mingw32\bin\devhelp.exe and make a shortcut to it. I did not have to install another package to have the GTK+ 3 documentation inside Devhelp. It was there from the start.

    If I knew from the start how to use pacman, I would have solved this problem faster. For pacman help I installed man-db using pacman -S man-db and then executed man pacman. From the shown information I discovered this method of searching for an available package:

    hope@hope-PC MINGW32 ~
    $ pacman -Ss devhelp
    mingw32/mingw-w64-i686-devhelp 3.8.2-2
        Remote desktop client for the GNOME Desktop (mingw-w64)
    mingw64/mingw-w64-x86_64-devhelp 3.8.2-2
        Remote desktop client for the GNOME Desktop (mingw-w64)