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GuideWire BC configuration with SQL Server database

Currently working on PC-BC integration. I need to configure my studios with SQL Server database, For PC its working fine, but for BC I'm getting error. If anyone knows please help me to sort this out.

  <database name="BillingCenterDatabase" dbtype="sqlserver" autoupgrade="true">
    <dbcp-connection-pool jdbc-url="jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;DatabaseName=BillingCenterDatabase;User=username;Password=pass#1121"/>
    <upgrade defer-create-nonessential-indexes="false">
      <versiontriggers dbmsperfinfothreshold="600" />
  • my username is "username" and password is "pass#1121"
  • database name : BillingCenterDatabase

The error which I'm getting is No appropriate database found in configuration: env = 'null'


  • try adding environment attribute in your database tag like shown below,

      <database name="BillingCenterDatabase" dbtype="sqlserver" env="dev" autoupgrade="true">
    <dbcp-connection-pool jdbc-url="jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;DatabaseName=BillingCenterDatabase;User=username;Password=pass#1121"/>
    <upgrade defer-create-nonessential-indexes="false">
      <versiontriggers dbmsperfinfothreshold="600" />