I am trying to add service to consul through configuration file.
While doing so, I am getting the following error.
Error Message:-
==> Starting Consul agent...
==> Error starting agent: failed adding service "12WCF": Service name missing
Code Used:
"service": {
"name": "WCF",
"id" : "12WCF",
"address" : "",
"port": 62133
consul.exe agent --dev
I am using Windows for development.
I have provided the service name in the config. But still it is says as, service name is missing.
Am I missing any other thing.
Could any one provide some suggestions on it.
Got it. So, we have to add an attrib named "service" to the json which solves the problem.
So, the final config will look like,
"service": {
"service": "myservice",
"address": "",
"port": 62133
Do not know why consul did not mention this in their docs.