How to stop updating the page in the event unload?
if(confirm('Do you really want to exit the survey without completing it? Your data will be deleted.') ){
// This does not currently work in the method
// onbeforeunload which took Nick Craver
url: 'db_sotr_file.anket_my.ajax_remove_anketa',
dataType: 'html',
success: function(){
$.cookie('refresh_page', null);
$.cookie('hashid', null);
$.cookie('sessionid', null);
}); // This moment is the most important
// page the refresh
return true;
// don't refresh the page
return false;
You need to return the string and bind directly, like this:
window.onbeforeunload = function() {
return 'Do you really want to exit the survey without completing it? Your data will be deleted.';
To be reliable, you need onbeforeunload
instead...and jQuery doesn't bind to this correctly cross-browser, so it's better to set an event handler directly. Some browsers won't allow logic in there other than a return "string"
as far as stopping the page use that format to work cross browser (Firefox mainly here).