I am currently print lines 0-3 in Ruby Curses. I also created an array with animal names. My program currently outputs
dog + 0cat + 0bird + 0rat + 0
dog + 1cat + 1bird + 1rat + 1
dog + 2cat + 2bird + 2rat + 2
dog + 3cat + 3bird + 3rat + 3
I want it to output something like
dog + 0
cat + 1
bird + 2
rat + 3
Is there a way to list each element of the array on a different line and be able to select each individual line?
Here is the function I am working on
def draw_menu(menu, active_index=nil)
4.times do |i|
menu.setpos(i + 1, 1)
menu.attrset(i == active_index ? A_STANDOUT : A_NORMAL)
arr = []
arr << "dog"
arr << "cat"
arr << "bird"
arr << "rat"
arr.each do |item|
menu.addstr "#{item} + #{i}"
I have tried using arr.each and arr.each_index but it gives me the same output.
Here is the complete program.
The below makes the menu look how I want but when pressing 'w' or 's' to scroll through the menu, it selects all 4 elements at the same time. Is there a way to make it where only 1 element can be selected at a time?
require "curses"
include Curses
def draw_menu(menu, active_index=nil)
4.times do |i|
menu.setpos(1, 1)
menu.attrset(i == active_index ? A_STANDOUT : A_NORMAL)
arr = []
arr << "dog"
arr << "cat"
arr << "bird"
arr << "rat"
arr.each_with_index do |element, index|
menu.addstr "#{element} + #{index}\n"
def draw_info(menu, text)
menu.setpos(1, 10)
menu.addstr text
position = 0
menu = Window.new(7,40,7,2)
menu.box('|', '-')
draw_menu(menu, position)
while ch = menu.getch
case ch
when 'w'
draw_info menu, 'move up'
position -= 1
when 's'
draw_info menu, 'move down'
position += 1
when 'x'
position = 3 if position < 0
position = 0 if position > 3
draw_menu(menu, position)
Not sure what that 4.times
was trying to do, but I think it was setting the same text 4 times into the same position on the screen. For each of the 4, if the current set of 4 items was the same as active_index
, you'd set all 4 of them to the same style (A_STANDOUT
instead of A_NORMAL
What seems to be working for me and what I assume was intended is something like:
def draw_menu(menu, active_index=nil)
%w(dog cat bird rat).each_with_index do |element, index|
menu.setpos(index + 1, 1)
menu.attrset(index == active_index ? A_STANDOUT : A_NORMAL)
menu.addstr("%-4s + #{index}" % element)
menu.setpos(5, 1) # set the cursor on the line after the menu items
and then in your draw_info
I couldn't see where the text was being output, but if I changed it to setpos(5, 1)
it became visible on the line after the menu:
def draw_info(menu, text)
menu.setpos(5, 1)
menu.addstr text