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pact-broker docker image is not running after restarting docker machine

I am using Postgres image and past broker image in my docker machine for setting up pact broker. here are 4 steps that have mentioned :

1.$ docker run --name pactbroker-db -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=ThePostgresPassword -e POSTGRES_USER=admin -e PGDATA=/var/lib/postgresql/data/pgdata -v /var/lib/postgresql/data:/var/lib/postgresql/data -d postgres

2.$ docker run -it --link pactbroker-db:postgres --rm postgres sh -c 'exec psql -h "$POSTGRES_PORT_5432_TCP_ADDR" -p "$POSTGRES_PORT_5432_TCP_PORT" -U admin'


CREATE USER pactbrokeruser WITH PASSWORD 'TheUserPassword';
CREATE DATABASE pactbroker WITH OWNER pactbrokeruser;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE pactbroker TO pactbrokeruser;

4. docker run --name pactbroker --link pactbroker-db:postgres -e PACT_BROKER_DATABASE_USERNAME=pactbrokeruser -e PACT_BROKER_DATABASE_PASSWORD=TheUserPassword -e PACT_BROKER_DATABASE_HOST=postgres -e PACT_BROKER_DATABASE_NAME=pactbroker -d -p 80:80 dius/pact_broker

after running this 4 command when I am opening Hal browser in my local system it is working pretty fine. Now I am stopping 2 docker containers pactbroker-db and pactbroker and stopping docker machine.

After sometime I am restarting docker machine and starting the containers by

$docker start pactbroker-db and $docker start pactbroker . containers are getting started but when opening HAL browser I am getting the error "We're sorry, but something went wrong." screenshot attached. Is there something wrong when I am starting the docker 2nd time?enter image description here


  • This has been resolved by using container given in and using proper environment variables in docker-compose.yml of this project.