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Import and use an exernal jar file from maven using bazel

I'm trying to understand how to use bazel to build java/scala projects, so I've created a toy project that has a couple of trivial classes and one test that uses the scalatest framework. I've attempted to import all transitive dependencies from maven by creating the following workspace file:

workspace(name = "scala_bazel_example")

    name = "io_bazel_rules_scala",
    remote = "git://",
    commit = "aaa6c7d4db4f231a541f20a60760420f4bdd11e8"

load("@io_bazel_rules_scala//scala:scala.bzl", "scala_repositories")


  name = "junit",
  artifact = "junit:junit:4.11",

  name = "org_scalatest",
  artifact = "org.scalatest:scalatest_2_11:3.0.1",

  name = "org_hamcrest",
  artifact = "org.hamcrest:hamcrest-core:1.3",

as per

Then I tried to BUILD my test with the following BUILD file:

  name = "example-test",
  srcs = glob(["**/*.scala"]),
  deps = [

referencing the external jars as suggested in the link as <name>//jar.

However, when I build, I get the following error:

$ bazel build :example-test 
ERROR: /home/ubuntu/.cache/bazel/_bazel_ubuntu/c83ae3b365c8d335f0b135ef3a055202/external/io_bazel_rules_scala/third_party/plugin/src/main/BUILD:5:1: in scala_library_for_plugin_bootstrapping rule @io_bazel_rules_scala//third_party/plugin/src/main:dependency_analyzer: 
Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "/home/ubuntu/.cache/bazel/_bazel_ubuntu/c83ae3b365c8d335f0b135ef3a055202/external/io_bazel_rules_scala/third_party/plugin/src/main/BUILD", line 5
                scala_library_for_plugin_bootstrapping(name = 'dependency_analyzer')
        File "/home/ubuntu/.cache/bazel/_bazel_ubuntu/c83ae3b365c8d335f0b135ef3a055202/external/io_bazel_rules_scala/scala/scala.bzl", line 576, in _scala_library_impl
                _lib(ctx, True)
        File "/home/ubuntu/.cache/bazel/_bazel_ubuntu/c83ae3b365c8d335f0b135ef3a055202/external/io_bazel_rules_scala/scala/scala.bzl", line 503, in _lib
        File "/home/ubuntu/.cache/bazel/_bazel_ubuntu/c83ae3b365c8d335f0b135ef3a055202/external/io_bazel_rules_scala/scala/scala.bzl", line 486, in _collect_jars_from_common_ctx
                _collect_jars(ctx.attr.deps + auto_deps + extr..., ...)
        File "/home/ubuntu/.cache/bazel/_bazel_ubuntu/c83ae3b365c8d335f0b135ef3a055202/external/io_bazel_rules_scala/scala/scala.bzl", line 463, in _collect_jars
        File "/home/ubuntu/.cache/bazel/_bazel_ubuntu/c83ae3b365c8d335f0b135ef3a055202/external/io_bazel_rules_scala/scala/scala.bzl", line 422, in _collect_jars_when_dependency_analyzer_is_off
'java_common.provider' object has no attribute 'compile_jars'
Available attributes: transitive_runtime_jars.
ERROR: Analysis of target '//src/scala/test/src/com/foo/util:example-test' failed; build aborted.
INFO: Elapsed time: 0.287s

Does anyone have an idea what I'm doing wrong? I searched around and couldn't find a clear example that showed how to write a basic set of WORKSPACE and BUILD files to build a small project depending on just a couple of explicit dependencies from maven.


  • The error you are seeing is due to a breaking change between bazel 0.5.1 and bazel 0.5.2 that broke the scala rules. As of time of writing, the README in says "you must have bazel 0.5.2 or later".

    Your BUILD and WORKSPACE files are correct.