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How to create a right-click context shell shortcut "edit with Emacs"?

Notepad++ automatically adds a shell shortcut so that when you're in Windows Explorer, you can right-click on a file and select "edit with Notepad++". How can I do the same with emacs? I am using GNU Emacs 22.3 for Windows.


  • Here's what I have - similar to some other answer. Create a new text file somewhere called emacs-conextmenu.reg (or anything-you-want.reg) and paste the following in:

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    @="&Edit with Emacs"
    @="Absolute\\Path\\to\\your\\emacs\\bin\\emacsclientw.exe -n \"%1\""
    @="Edit &with Emacs"
    @="Absolute\\Path\\to\\your\\emacs\\bin\\emacsclientw.exe -n \"%1\""

    Change the path to your emacs installation path; remember to escape the "\" (whenever you have \, change that to \\).

    Now all you need to do is double-click this *.reg file in the explorer and you shall have a context menu entry for emacs for any file and any directory (if you are a dired fan!).

    Note that for this to work, emacs has to be started and emacs-server also has to be started (M-x server-start). I would suggest starting emacs with Windows and put (server-start) in your .emacs file.

    As a bonus, the following snippet for autohotkey ( will start the file selected in emacs when you press ctrl-shift-enter in windows explorer. This might be more handy if you edit lots of files in emacs but does not necessarily want to navigate to the file in emacs itself.

    #IfWinActive ahk_class CabinetWClass 
      If (tmpvar != "")
         Run, d:/path/to/your/emacs/bin/dir/emacsclientw.exe -n "%tmpvar%"