As there is no Neo4j plugin for Grephi 0.9.1 I tried to export my Neo4j graph as an .graphml file. I created an empty .graphml file in Grephi and used the procedure:
call apoc.export.graphml.all('file:C:/test.graphml',{})
However I recieve:
Failed to invoke procedure `apoc.export.graphml.all`: Caused by: file:C:\test.graphml (Syntax of filename, directory or harddrive is wrong)
in the neo4j.conf file I added before:
Any ideas?
I found helpful information here:
"import-graphml can read from an URL but as you can't write to an URL the export only supports normal path syntax"
so this worked for me:
call apoc.export.graphml.all('C:/test.graphml',{})