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How reference AWS step function parallel task output?

I have a parallel task in the step function that contains two branches. The input was:

  "database": "test",
  "userName": "tester",
  "userID": "test123",
  "adGroup": "testADGroup",
  "dbGroup": "ReadGroup"

Each branch return a json result like the following

Branch 1 (I used "OutputPath": "$"):

  "requestType": "GrantAccess",
  "DBUser": "exists",
  "ADUser": "exists"

Branch 2 (I used "ResultPath": "$.approvalStatus"):

      "database": "test",
      "userName": "tester",
      "userID": "test123",
      "adGroup": "testADGroup",
      "dbGroup": "ReadGroup"
      "approvalStatus": "Approved"

When both the branches complete, the output of the parallel task return:

      "requestType": "GrantAccess",
      "DBUser": "exists",
      "ADUser": "exists"
      "database": "test",
      "userName": "tester",
      "userID": "test123",
      "adGroup": "testADGroup",
      "dbGroup": "ReadGroup"
      "approvalStatus": "Approved"

The next task is a choices,

"Choices": [
      "Variable": "$.input[1].approvalStatus",
      "StringEquals": "Approved",
      "Next": "ProcessRequest"
      "Variable": "$.input[1].approvalStatus",
      "StringEquals": "Declined",
      "Next": "SendDeclineNotification"

and it is keep giving me the following error:

"cause": "An error occurred while executing the state 'CheckApprovalStatus' (entered at the event id #16). Invalid path '$.input[1].approvalStatus': The choice state's condition path references an invalid value."

So here are my questions,

1) How should I reference it in the choice task to get the approvalStatus value?

2) Is there are anyway I can make the parallel task return in json format instead of an array?

Thanks in advance


  • I think you should use something like "$[1].approvalStatus" if you don't want to change the ResultPath.