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localhost + staging + production environments?

I have a website say which is currently running. I have been developing a new version of the website on my local machine with http://localhost and then committing my changes with svn to where I would test the site on the server but under another domain (its the same environment as the live site but under a different domain).

Now I am ready to release the new version to Doing it the first time is easy, I could just copy & paste everything from to (not sure its the best way to do it).

I want to keep as a testing site where I would push updates, test them and once satisfied move to but I am not sure how to do that after the new site is launched.. I don't think copy pasting the whole directory is the right way of doing it and it will break the operations of current users on the

I also want to keep my svn history on What is the correct way of doing this with SVN ? Thank you so much!


  • Other answers mentioning Hudson or Weploy are good. They cover more issues than what follows. That said, the following may be sufficient.

    If you feel that's overkill, here's the poor-man's way of doing it with SVN and a little creative sysadminning.

    Make your proudction document root a symlink, not an actual directory. Meaning you have something like this:

    /var/www/html -> myproject-1-1-1

    This means you can check out code onto production (say, myproject-1-1-2) without overwriting stuff being served. Then you can switch codebases near-instantly by doing something like:

    $ rm html && ln -s myproject-1-1-2 html

    I'd further recommend not doing an svn checkout/svn export of your trunk on the production box. Instead, create a branch ahead of time (name it something like myproject-X-Y-Z). That way if you need to do some very stressful tweaking of production code, you can commit it back to the branch, and merge it back to trunk once the fire is extinguished)

    I do this a lot, and it works quite well. However, it has some major drawbacks:

    Mainly, you have to handle database migrations, or other upgrade scripts, all by yourself. If you have scripts (plain-old-SQL, or something more involved), you need to think about how best to execute them. Downtime of hopefully-just-a-minute might not be a bad idea. You could keep a "maintenance site" around (/var/www/mainenance), and point the symlink there for a few moments if you needed to.

    This method is not nearly as cool as Weploy, for example, but for relatively small projects (running on a single server, with not-huge databases), it's often good enough, and dead simple.