I have following XML:-
<PropertyValue>SLIM F/S</PropertyValue>
But, i am getting the result as below :
ProductId PropertyKey PropertyValue
1 Size XXL
I need to get the all PropertyDetail using openxml. My small query in Stored Procedure in MS SQL 2012 as below :
SELECT XML.ProductId, XML.PropertyKey, XML.PropertyValue FROM
OPENXML (@hDoc, '/XML/*', 2) WITH (
ProductId INT 'ProductId',
PropertyKey VARCHAR(200) 'PropertyDetail/PropertyKey',
PropertyValue VARCHAR(200) 'PropertyDetail/PropertyValue'
The finall result would be look like as below :
ProductId PropertyKey PropertyValue
1 Size XXL
1 ProdTaxType 5%
1 Incl/Excl True
1 Fit SLIM F/S
I would try following solution:
<PropertyValue>SLIM F/S</PropertyValue>
SELECT pvt.ProductId, pvt.NodeNum, pvt.[0] AS PKey, pvt.[1] AS PValue
SELECT x.XmlCol.value('(ProductId/text())[1]', 'INT') AS ProductId,
(DENSE_RANK() OVER(ORDER BY y.XmlCol) + 1)/2 AS NodeNum,
(DENSE_RANK() OVER(ORDER BY y.XmlCol) + 1) % 2 AS NodeType, -- 0 = PropertyKey, 1 = PropertyValue
y.XmlCol.value('(text())[1]', 'NVARCHAR(50)') AS NodeValue
FROM @x.nodes('XML/ProductDetail') x(XmlCol)
OUTER APPLY x.XmlCol.nodes('PropertyDetail/*') y(XmlCol)
) AS src -- source
PIVOT( MAX(src.NodeValue) FOR NodeType IN ([0], [1]) ) AS pvt
ProductId NodeNum PKey PValue
--------- ------- ----------- --------
1 1 Size XXL
1 2 ProdTaxType 5%
1 3 Incl/Excl True
1 4 Fit SLIM F/S
Reference: Uniquely Identifying XML Nodes with DENSE_RANK
Note: I don't know if it's possible, but I would change the XML schema thus:
<property name="Size" value="XXL" />
<property name="ProdTaxType" value="5%" />
Actual XML schema is, somehow, dangerous because it relies on order of PropertyKey
XML elements.