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Intercepting on an Interface

I am trying to make something like an IAuditable interface, which acts as a marker for Ninject to intercept calls to.

Suppose I have the following:

public interface IAuditable


public interface IProcessor
    void Process(object o);

public class Processor : IProcessor, IAuditable
    public void Process(object o)
        Console.WriteLine("Processor called with argument " + o.ToString());

With this setup:

NinjectSettings settings = new NinjectSettings() { LoadExtensions = true };
IKernel kernel = new StandardKernel(settings);

kernel.Bind(x =>
            .BindToDefaultInterfaces() //I suspect I need something else here
            .Configure(c => c.Intercept().With<IAuditInterceptor>()));

Whenever I try to kernel.Get<IProcessor>(); I get an exception telling me there are multiple bindings available.

If I remove kernel.Bind<IProcessor>().To<Processor>() then it works as expected, but it is possible that you can have an IProcessor that does not implement IAuditable.

Am I on the right track?

Edit: As suggested I tried using an attribute instead:

public class AuditableAttribute : Attribute

public class Processor : IProcessor

    public void Process(object o)
        Console.WriteLine("Processor called with argument " + o.ToString());
//in setup:
kernel.Bind(x =>
            .Configure(c => c.Intercept().With<IAuditInterceptor>()));

This results in the same duplicate binding issue as with using an interface instead.


  • You should be able to write one convention binding for types implementing IAuditable and one for types not implementing.

            kernel.Bind(x =>
                    .Configure(c => c.Intercept().With<IAuditInterceptor>()));
            kernel.Bind(x =>
                    .Where(t => !typeof(IAuditable).IsAssignableFrom(t))