I can't overwrite the $user->id in the following code :
$followers_list = follow::where('followed_id',$userId['userId'])
foreach($followers_list as $follower)
$user = myuser::find($follower->follower_id);
echo $user->id;//everything is fine
$user->id = Crypt::encrypt(['id'=> $user->id]);
echo $user->id; //it's zero for all users
is it a rule or something in laravel eloquent to prevent such type conversions(integer to string)?
how can I replace the id's integer value with its encrypted string?
any help?
laravel will not allow to change datatype of PrimaryKey on the fly on any models,
how do I know it? check YourProject/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Eloquent/Model.php:57
Now if you want to do it, you can call $user->setKeyType('string')
and then do your $user->id = 'hihello';
is it recommended? I don't know!