I would like to draw a grid on a canvas using EaselJS. I am using the new WebGL stage, StageGL.
A grid is basically N times of a horizontal line and M times of a vertical line.
I see multiple options:
Option #1 seems naive to me. They're all the same image, why drawing them to the cache N+M times?
Option #2 would solve the problem in option #1, but I don't know how to do it.
Option #3 results in a very large image. For N=50, M=50 and gridSpacing=50px, it would result in a 2500x2500 px image. I don't know if this is ideal.
Which one is the best approach?
Are there any other approaches? I don't think I am the first person who draws a grid :)
You can pretty easily cache a shape, and use the resulting cache (canvas) as the source for a Bitmap.
var shape = new createjs.Shape();
// Since shapes have no bounds, you will have to know the bounds based on what you draw:
shape.cache(x, y, w, h);
var bmp = new createjs.Bitmap(shape.cacheCanvas);
You can draw as many of these Bitmaps without any additional cost, since its the same source canvas/image. EaselJS StageGL (latest NEXT, released shortly hopefully) renders this in WebGL no problem.
Check out the SpriteSheetBuilder demo and docs in GitHub to draw content to a SpriteSheet/Sprite instead of a Bitmap.