I have a set of transactions which contain items from two classes (A and B), and I am wanting to generate closed association rules where the antecedent is only comprised of items from Class A and the consequent from Class B. For example, I am looking for rules of the form:
I can accomplish either of these easily independently, but am having trouble producing rules with both of these constraints.
rules <- apriori(
parameter = list(minlen=2, maxlen=4),
appearance = list(lhs = class_A, rhs = class_B, default='none')
The code above generates rules which conform to the appearance constraints, but which are not closed. I have been unable to find a parameter to apriori
to generate closed rules.
I am able to generate closed rules with the following code, but have been unsuccessful in passing ruleInduction
an appearance parameter.
closed_is <- apriori(
parameter = list(minlen=2, maxlen=4, target="closed frequent itemsets"),
closed_rules <- ruleInduction(
transactions = trans
I have attempted to use subset
to apply the desired lhs/rhs class constraint after generating close rules, but have been unsuccessful. For example,
target_lhs_rules <- subset(closed_rules, subset = lhs %in% as.character(class_A))
gives all of the rules which have at least one item from Class A, but not only of Class A.
target_lhs_rules <- subset(closed_rules, subset = lhs %ain% as.character(class_A))
results in no rules, since all items in Class A do not appear in any rules.
Surely the arules
package covers this case, but I have not been able to find the way to do so. Any help overcoming this would be much appreciated!
is not the right operator, since, as you said, it requires all items to be in the itemset. You need the following code:
function(x, table) standardGeneric("%oin%"))
setMethod("%oin%", signature(x = "itemMatrix", table = "character"),
function(x, table) {
pos <- match(table, itemLabels(x))
if (any(is.na(pos)))
stop("table contains an unknown item label" )
size(x[, -pos]) == 0
returns true as long as the itemset only contains items specified in table
. I will add this code to the next release of arules.