I am learning Ruby On Rails. I am on a shared hosting with Ruby version 1.8.1 and Rails version 2.3.10. I am working my way through a tutorial at http://railstutorial.org/chapters/a-demo-app?version=2.3#top and at one point in the tutorial it has me run:
script/generate scaffold Micropost content:string user_id:interger
The tutorial is using the default database, SQLite3. The command works and I use rake db:migrate to create the database. I can view the page listing the microposts (which is empty), but when I try to add a micropost (microposts/new) I get an error undefined method `user_id' for #<Micropost:0x7f710e4988e8> After doing some testing on my own it seems I experience the problem by using the data type of interger.
While I understand that using a scaffold is not the best way of building a ruby on rails, I'm just beginning and would still like to know why I am experiencing this problem to help me better understand how rails works.
Have you mistyped integer
as interger