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Native Spinner Dialog (IONIC 3)

I've already used the native spinner in some older projects before and it's worked fine. However, I recently started a new IONIC's project (V.3.5.3) and It's not working properly or I'm doing something wrong. I also noticed that Ionic's Team has changed its Native Spinner Plugin recently, but I don't think that's the problem.

Every time I call show funcion:

It returns:

WARN: Native: tried calling, but the SpinnerDialog plugin is not installed. WARN: Install the SpinnerDialog plugin: 'ionic plugin add cordova-plugin-native-spinner'

And yes, the plugin is already included in app.module.ts in providers part.

And yes, the commands to include the plugin were executed:

ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-native-spinner
npm install --save @ionic-native/spinner-dialog

Could anyone help me please?


  • It's a bug, do this while we wait for the fix: edit


    Change line 84 to this

    pluginRef: 'SpinnerDialog'

    It's a temp fix that will work.