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Which editor would you give your mom to let her edit her own website?

I mean this quite literally. A close relative wants to create her own website for her business and asked me for help. I've offered her to set up the website, take care of domain registration and all, but I don't have the time to design the website for her. So, I want to give her a software in which she can edit the page and publish it on her own.

My feature-wish-list. The software should

  • of course, be easy-to-use, as she's not a pro at the computer
  • be able to publish the website, once the ftp-connection has been entered
  • have some predefined themes, but also the possibilites to define a custom theme
  • offer a german UI, since she doesn't understand english

I so far looked at Nvu (too complicated), zeta Producer (crashed even before I could start editing the first page), CityDesk (very promising, but still too complicated and not in german). I'm quite happy with Namu6, but unfortunately, it is english only.

I'd be happy for any suggestion.


Some were asking for a platform: She is only using windows, so Mac or Linux is not an option.


  • Consider setting up a CMS for her and let her edit the pages in the browser.