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How to find when a request had started and when it got ended in scrapy

I am trying to measure the throughput of the system in scrapy and I am trying to find when the HTTP request was fired and when it was completed completed in scrapy.

Any directions to find a solution is highly appreciated.


  • You could use custom middleware:

    class MeasureMiddleware:
        requests = []
        def process_request(self, request, spider):
            # store the time and url of every outgoing request
        def process_response(self, request, response, spider):
            # for everyone response check if one of tracked requests cameback
            # if so, print start time and current time
            filtered_requests = []
            # go through tracked requests and check whether any of them match current url
            for request in self.requests:
                url, start_date = request
                if url == request.url:
          'request {url} {start_date} - {}')
            self.requests = filtered_requests

    Then activate the downloader middleware

        'myproject.middlewares.MeasureMiddleware': 543,

    It's worth noting that due to async nature of scrapy it won't be ms accurate but it should be accurate enough to give a generic overview.