I am writing an application that needs to connect with a running network service on a Mac.
Problem is, I have no idea what the service is called or even what port it uses. Is there a way to browse all running network services on my Mac?
More info:
I am connecting to a MIDI network session (found under 'Audio MIDI settings', present on all OSX installs). Am I correct in thinking this is a network service?
I am planning to use NSNetServiceBrowser to locate all local computers running this service. (is this the best way to go about it?)
Any help is much appreciated - thanks!
"...no idea what the service is called or even what port it uses..."
try in terminal:
nc 1-9999
Replace by your ip, and replace 1-9999 to the port range you want to scan. 1-9999 would mean scan from port 1 to 9999.
2. From:
"...network services on my Mac..."
Try Bonjour Browser. http://www.tildesoft.com/
Just a humble suggestion.