I'm trying to run the index.html file in the production build folder but get the error '.js not found'" (other error below) while the application is loading. The builds compile successfully when using Sencha CMD both for the dev and production environments. The solution here Sencha app build production successfully,but the production page fails to load with .js not found error isn't much of help as our application has too many views to comb through for missing includes. Any tips to get round this quickly?
Uncaught TypeError: c is not a constructor
at eval (eval at getInstantiator (app.js:1), <anonymous>:3:8)
at Object.create (app.js:1)
at Ext.Inventory.instantiateByAlias (app.js:1)
at Ext.Factory.create (app.js:1)
at ctor.setLayout (app.js:1)
at ctor.getLayout (app.js:1)
at ctor.initComponent (app.js:1)
at new constructor (app.js:1)
at ctor [as self] (app.js:1)
at Object.widget (app.js:1)
I suspect your missing some of your requires. This is a common extjs problem when it works fine with sencha app watch but doesn't load when you compile production with missing js errors. If you use chrome turn on your debugger (f12) and turn on pause on all exceptions to help diagnose which page and which requires/imports you are missing. Based on your error above, I'd bet its a layout.