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Using the provider uid in firebase security rules

I have a Firebase application that only uses Google authentication. I want to give users that have never authenticated with my Firebase project access to parts of the database based on the uid of the auth provider. I want to retrieve the Google uids using the directory API and then store them in the whitelist node.

whitelist: {
  12345678: true,
  23456789`: true
data: {}

Then I would like to do something like this in the security rules:

"rules": {
  "data": {
    ".read": "root.child('whitelist/' + auth.providerUid).exists()

Or something like this:

"rules": {
  "data": {
    ".read": "root.child('whitelist/' + auth.providerData[0].uid).exists()

But is it possible to access the provider uid in the security rules? And if so, how does this work?


  • The syntax seems slightly different according to the reference documentation:


    Dictionary of all the identities that are associated with this user's account. The keys of the dictionary can be any of the following: email, phone,,,, The values of the dictionary are arrays of unique identifiers for each identity provider associated with the account. For example, auth.token.firebase.identities[""][0] contains the first Google user ID associated with the account

    So it seems you need auth.token.firebase.identities[""][0]. I must admit I've never used this though, since my security rules rely only on the user's main ID: auth.uid.