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Wordpress create subfolder in uploads directory from plugin

I am writing a plugin that requires that I create a subfolder within the uploads directory.

Here's what I have tried thus far:

$uploads_dir = trailingslashit( wp_upload_dir( dirname( __FILE__) ) ) . '/evaluation-uploads';
wp_mkdir_p( $uploads_dir ); 

However when I check 'wp-content/uploads/' the subfolder has not been created.


  • Just use this modified version:

    $uploads_dir = trailingslashit( wp_upload_dir()['basedir'] ) . 'evaluation-uploads';
    wp_mkdir_p( $uploads_dir );

    (Will only work on PHP 5.4+)

    Corrections made:

    • No need to pass dirname( __FILE__) as parameter to wp_upload_dir
    • Also wp_upload_dir returns an array, so you need to access the path you need
    • trailingslashit will already remove and append a new trailing slash, so removed it from your string

    Also check file/dir user-permissions to ensure PHP can actually create a dir there.