I want to copy one folder into another directory with all content on Windows 10. I used :
xcopy "C:\Users\X\Desktop\projects\XX\XXX\folder1" "C:\Users\X\Desktop\projects\XX\XXX\folder2" /E /C /I /Y
this :
xcopy "C:\Users\X\Desktop\projects\XX\XXX\folder1" "C:\Users\X\Desktop\projects\XX\XXX\folder2\" /E /C /I /Y
and :
robocopy"C:\Users\X\Desktop\projects\XX\XXX\folder1" "C:\Users\X\Desktop\projects\XX\XXX\folder2" /COPYALL /E`
but it only copy files which are in this directory and move it to another.
My goal is like we could right-click on mouse on folder and "copy" then "paste" it into another dir.
What is an issue into my commend?
Ok, so what you want is folder1 to be created in folder2 (was not clear to me reading the question)
So try:
xcopy "...\XX\XXX\folder1" "..\XX\XXX\folder2\folder1" /cheirky
No need to create folder2\folder1, /I flag makes it for you