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Naming conventions: Looking for alternative to mixing of English and domain/workflow terms

Though at our company all people are non-native english speakers we try hard to write our documentation, code and comments in english, pretty much everything except user-related stuff, of course. This is ok as long as business terms are translateable and not too specific to the domain. But once the business terms get too specific, either there is no adquate translation for them or the translation just sounds silly and meaningless. This leads to a awful language-mix when writing code.

What is your experience on this topic? Do you avoid silly names in code by all means or do you just live with it?


  • I think that trying to keep everything in English when all developers and users have a common non-English native language is not only useless but actually harmful. Domain terms are just the most obvious example.

    IMO all domain terms should stay in the native language, as should documentation and comments. This allows developers to concentrate on the code's logic rather than translation issues. It may look silly to have a mix of two languages in the code, even within single method names, but IMO it's not really a problem and better than making a great effort to have everything in English when nobody actually benefits from it.

    Of course, this only applies in the described scenario. If you're a department of a large international company, or planning to expand your market internationally, or your native language has not very many speakers, then it's a different matter.