In my grails angular project, I have a GrailsApplicationCommand
which I want to run within the server
I am able to execute the command from the server
working directory using the grails CLI:
grails run-command my-command
I want to use the gradle wrapper so I can execute the command on the automated build server without worrying about which Grails version the server has installed.
I tried several variants of the gradlew command, but I can't figure out one that works. I think that Grails can't find the GrailsApplicationCommand
because it's not in the same Gradle project as the gradle wrapper itself.
What is the correct syntax to execute a command in a subproject using gradlew
The following did not work (Command not found error):
example> gradlew server:runCommand -Pargs="myExample"
I verified that the following works:
example/server> grails run-command my-example
I am using Grails 3.3.0.M2
The documentation shows how to run a command with Gradle
So to execute that task on the server
./gradlew server:runCommand -Pargs="myCommand"
EDIT: The following works with your example
./gradlew server:runCommand -Pargs="my-example"