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VSTS AppStore extension fails to publish IPA on TestFlight

I am new to VSTS and trying to setup a CI/CD process for my Xcode project. I am able to generate an IPA on my build agent and I can see it artifacts too. Now to publish this IPA on TestFlight, I am using VSTS AppStore extension which fails always with below error:

No IPA file found using pattern: /Users/BuildAgent/Downloads/_work/13/s/**/*.ipa

Any clue why its failing, as Publish Artifacts succeeds and IPA is generated.

Also I can see two IPAs in my artifacts folder, one inside build.sym and other inside XCodeTaskExport.


  • Since the files are published to artifacts, you can publish/deploy to app store by using release:

    1. Create a new release definition
    2. Link that build as release artifacts
    3. Add App Store task
    4. Specify $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/**/*.ipa in Binary Path input box.
    5. Other settings
    6. Start/trigger release