I am using AudioKit's AKMIDIListener protocol on a class to listen for MIDI messages. This is working fine for standard messages such as Note On
, but SysEx
messages are not coming through.
func receivedMIDINoteOn(noteNumber: MIDINoteNumber, velocity: MIDIVelocity, channel: MIDIChannel) {
NSLog("Note On \(noteNumber), \(velocity), \(channel)") // works perfectly
func receivedMIDISystemCommand(_ data: [MIDIByte]) {
NSLog("SysEx \(data)") // never triggers
// More code to handle the messages...
The SysEx messages are sent from external hardware or test software. I have used MIDI monitoring apps to make sure the messages are being sent correctly, yet in my app they are not triggering receivedMIDISystemCommand
Are there any additional steps required to receive SysEx messages that I'm missing?
Thanks in advance for any clues.
EDIT: Thanks for bringing this to our attention. The SysEx receiving issue has now been fixed in the develop branch of AudioKit: https://github.com/AudioKit/AudioKit/pull/1017
Instead of
NSLog("SysEx \(data)")
Have you tried?
if let sysExCommand = AKMIDISystemCommand(rawValue: data[0]) {
print("MIDI System Command: \(sysExCommand)")
AKMIDISystemCommand will convert your SysEx data to something a bit more usable and is defined as follows:
public enum AKMIDISystemCommand: MIDIByte {
/// Trivial Case of None
case none = 0
/// System Exclusive
case sysex = 240
/// Song Position
case songPosition = 242
/// Song Selection
case songSelect = 243
/// Request Tune
case tuneRequest = 246
/// End System Exclusive
case sysexEnd = 247
/// Clock
case clock = 248
/// Start
case start = 250
/// Continue
case `continue` = 251
/// Stop
case stop = 252
/// Active Sensing
case activeSensing = 254
/// System Reset
case sysReset = 255
-- matthew @ audiokit