I'm trying to get the ComboBox widget value with this code:
selectRadioB cb = do
ntxt <- comboBoxGetActiveText cb
case ntxt of
Just ("Option 1") -> ...
Just ("Option 2") -> ...
Just ("Option 3") -> ...
return ()
But, when i compile it, this error appears:
Couldn't match type ‘[Char]’
with ‘text-’
Expected type: ComboBoxText
Actual type: [Char]
In the pattern: "Option 1"
In the pattern: Just ("Option 1")
In a case alternative:
Just ("Option 1") -> ...
How can i solve that? I've made a similay question (Create a ComboBox widget in Gtk2HS), but i dont want to use the pack fuction.
Why i cant use fromString like this?
cb <- comboBoxNewText
comboBoxAppendText cb (fromString "Option 1")
comboBoxAppendText cb (fromString "Option 2")
comboBoxAppendText cb (fromString "Option 3")
comboBoxSetActive cb 0
Thanks in advance.
If we look at the documentation, we see that ComboBoxText
is a alias for Text
type ComboBoxText = Text
Now Text
and String
are both ways to represent text, but Text
does this in a compact way, whereas String
(which is actually an alias for [Char]
) does this in a linked list approach (this consumes more memory and will usually result in less efficient processing).
You can however simply use pack :: String -> Text
and unpack :: Text -> String
to convert between String
and Text
pack :: String -> Text
unpack :: Text -> String
So you could use:
selectRadioB cb = do
ntxt <- comboBoxGetActiveText cb
case fmap unpack ntxt of
Just "Option 1" -> ...
Just "Option 2" -> ...
Just "Option 3" -> ...
return ()
Nevertheless this is quite inefficient: you will first convert the Text
to a String
, and then Haskell will perform (usually) less efficient comparisons.
You can however use a language directive:
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
that you can put at the head of your file. Now this means that if you write a string literal Haskell can interpret this as a Text
So if you write:
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
selectRadioB cb = do
ntxt <- comboBoxGetActiveText cb
case ntxt of
Just "Option 1" -> ...
Just "Option 2" -> ...
Just "Option 3" -> ...
return ()
Haskell will derive that ntxt
has type Maybe Text
, and thus that "Option 1"
should be interpreted as a Text
If you use this syntax extension, you can also write:
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- ...
cb <- comboBoxNewText
comboBoxAppendText cb "Option 1"
comboBoxAppendText cb "Option 2"
comboBoxAppendText cb "Option 3"
comboBoxSetActive cb 0
So you can drop the fromString