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Value change with ruamel yaml won't work and ignores indenting

I have a problem with dumping data back to YAML with correct format. Looked into other similar questions but didn't find solution for this problem. Current code in Python:

template = yaml.load(open(templateFile), Loader=yaml.RoundTripLoader)

template["key"] = new_value

yaml.dump(template, sys.stdout, Dumper=yaml.RoundTripDumper, indent=2)


  key: value


  key: value
key: new_value

Expected output:

  key: new_value

How should the code be modified, to either change the old "key" value, or enter a new one with correct indenting?


  • You'll have to assign the new_value to the right mapping/dict:

    import sys
    from ruamel import yaml
    template_file = 'input.yaml'
    new_value = 'new_value'
    template = yaml.load(open(template_file), Loader=yaml.RoundTripLoader)
    template['parameters']['key'] = new_value
    yaml.dump(template, sys.stdout, Dumper=yaml.RoundTripDumper, indent=2)

    a new value indented "under" key would require:

    template['parameters']['newkey'] = 'added_value'

    please note that it is customary to use snake_case for Python variables like template_file (RoundTripLoader/RoundTripDumper are the names of classes)