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How to configure PROMPT such that CMD commands begin from the next new line?

My current cmd looks like :


For this I did something like :

setx PROMPT $c$$$f-$g$s 

But I want something like :

$ (MY CURRENT PATH <--> DATE) : Nothing here/ Blank

($) -> Command Goes here ...

I tried :

setx PROMPT $$$s$c$p$s$l--$g$d$f$s:^
more? $c$$$f-$g$s

But sadly it didn't work. Is it even possible to do this?

Please do not suggest using other terminals like babun, git, bash on windows, hyper etc. I already am using all of these :)


  • See

     PROMPT /?
      $_   Carriage return and linefeed


    But I want something like :

    $ (MY CURRENT PATH <--> DATE) : Nothing here/ Blank
    ($) -> Command Goes here ...
    prompt $$ $C$P $L--$G $D$F$_$C$$$F -$G 


    $ (C:\Windows\Temp <--> 2017-08-03)
    ($) -> █