Currently, I construct URI by hand with string interpolation:
fmt.Sprintf("", serviceId, region, namespace, filename)
which IMHO is bad as I pass them via parameters from env variables. I have access to aws.Session object which is correctly initialized with our s3 bucket.
Is there are a semantically correct way(probably with aws sdk API) to generate the same resource URI I do by dummy string builder?
While aws-sdk-go
does expose the *http.Request
in a struct returned by svc.GetObjectRequest
, the URL it returns is really more of a 'url format' until you run a method on the request like Sign
or Presign
A few Presign
examples can be found On This Page. The Get example provides the following output:
Note that I'm using 'get-resource-uri-test' as my bucket name since the one in the example was already in use
Since this isn't the kind of output you're looking for, I've adjusted the example to use Sign
, which keeps things more clean since the auth info is put into headers/etc. instead of in the URL:
svc := s3.New(session.New(&aws.Config{Region: aws.String("us-west-2")}))
req, _ := svc.GetObjectRequest(&s3.GetObjectInput{
Bucket: aws.String("get-resource-uri-test"),
Key: aws.String("myKey"),
// Instead of using Presign, which was provided in example
if err := req.Sign(); err != nil {
log.Println("Failed to sign request", err)
log.Println("The URL is", req.HTTPRequest.URL)
2017/08/03 09:53:22 The URL is
While this suggestion does avoid actually making any calls to S3, I do have mixed feelings about it. In some respects, aws-sdk-go
seems designed to somewhat eliminate the need for URL manipulation and instead generates it (mostly internally) as a consequence of what you're trying to accomplish.
So is it really necessary for us to create a whole S3 client to get a properly 'sanctioned/blessed' url from Amazon in Go? It seems a little overboard, but this is the only way I've found so far to receive a formatted URL from aws-sdk-go
. If anyone else is able to come up with a more reasonable alternative, I'd encourage that person to post his/her solution as well.
I probably don't need to say this, but if this example is something you're planning to use at scale, I'd recommend creating a single s3 client (named svc
in the example provided) and reusing its GetObjectRequest
method to avoid creating a new client every time you need to determine a URL.