I'm trying to pass along the value of "content id" as an AMP variable in GTM. However, I'm having trouble getting it to pick up the value [presumably] due to the whitespace in the key:
<amp-analytics config="http://example.com/config.json">
<script type="application/json">
"requests": {
"pageview": "https://example.com/...
"vars": {
"content id": "ABC123",
"author": "John Smith"
Other keys (e.g. author) successfully return values. I've tried post%20id among other combinations, even directly referring to the value as a CD (bypassing GTM variables). Does anyone have any insight into AMP/GTM's handling of AMP Article vars with whitespace?
You cannot use space in variable name, you can use URL encoded version like this:
<script type="application/json">
"vars": {
"content%20id": "ABC123",
"author": "John Smith"
Then in GTM use the same content%20id
But of course best way is just use something like content_id