I'm following the nan example,but the documention doesn't work.
my binding.gyp:
"target_name": "hello",
"sources": ["hello.cpp"],
"include_dirs": [
"<!(node -e \"require('nan')\")"
and my hello.cpp:
#include <nan.h>
using namespace v8;
NAN_METHOD(Method) {
void Init(Handle<Object> exports) {
exports->Set(NanSymbol("hello"), FunctionTemplate::New(Method)->GetFunction());
NODE_MODULE(hello, Init)
It's OK in node-gyp configure
,but when node-gyp build
,it reports errors:
../hello.cpp:10:9: error: use of undeclared identifier 'NanScope'
../hello.cpp:11:33: error: no member named 'New' in 'v8::String'
../hello.cpp:15:18: error: use of undeclared identifier 'NanSymbol'
exports->Set(NanSymbol("hello"), FunctionTemplate::New(Method)->GetFunction());
../hello.cpp:15:60: error: cannot initialize a parameter of type 'v8::Isolate *' with an lvalue of type 'Nan::NAN_METHOD_RETURN_TYPE (Nan::NAN_METHOD_ARGS_TYPE)'
exports->Set(NanSymbol("hello"), FunctionTemplate::New(Method)->GetFunction());
my node version is the latest 5.7.0 and node-gyp is the latest 3.3.0 nan is latest 2.2.0. Is it possible that some code I used in the example has deprecated? Or what should I do to complete the hello example?Thanks
I just ran into the same issue, from what I can tell the example is out dated. The following worked for me:
#include <nan.h>
void Method(const Nan::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info) {
void Init(v8::Local<v8::Object> exports) {
NODE_MODULE(hello, Init)
Basically instead of using the code from - https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-examples/tree/master/1_hello_world I tried running the code from here - https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-examples/tree/master/1_hello_world/nan